Roof and Lights

Porch ceiling on, rafters in attic, porch railings, lights inside.

Porch roof on.

Roof on, front view

The roof was a little tricky to fit–had to trim a few pieces, because my angles weren’t quite right. But it all fits now and ready to be shingled. Actually I’m surprised how little I had to trim and fit. It works.

Back view: LED lights in the three rooms.

Next: Shingling the roof, gluing on trim, and finishing.


I am making progress on the bungalow, though I haven’t taken pics lately. I’ve done most of the outside trim, the porch railings and porch ceiling, installed downstairs lighting, installed second floor, wallpapered and painted 2nd floor walls and put them in.

Next I need to do the attic rafters and start cutting the roof pieces. I want to light both the big room and one of the attics, so I believe I’ll do rafters in the large room as well, to hide the LED strip. Then need to get wiring hidden.

The roof looks challenging. Can’t wait.